Thursday, September 13, 2007

getting my blogger legs

OK, so instead of getting my "sea legs" I guess I am trying to get my blogger legs. I have just about no idea what I am doing. I created this because I am considering entering the Lost Fantasy League on DarkUFO, and a blog was required. Now, however, I feel as if I am in-over-my-head. I mean I am definitley in unknown territory. So, what do I do? How do I customize my blog? I don't even know how this will look when I am done. Will anyone be reading this? If so, any tips anyone can offer will be helpful. I am going to take the plunge and post this and see what happens. Then it will probably be a series of trials and errors to figure out what I am doing? Or is this something easy, and am I making it way too difficult?

1 comment:

Matt said...

Well, as you may have noticed by now, in some ways you're making it too difficult, but in others you're not. There is the subject of customization, but on the other hand, do you really need to customize it right away? Go at your own pace and have some fun. Get a few things off your chest. Blogging isn't something that is meant to be a stress creator. It's supposed to be a stress reliever. Now I have to share mine with you. I'll send you the info later.