Monday, November 12, 2007

Being sick and life's goals

Being sick is no fun. I haven't had a sinus infection in a couple of years, and now I have one that is showing no mercy. It teased me with a headache for a couple of weeks until finally it stopped dicking around and kicked in last Wednesday. Now it is in my chest as well, and I feel like a big steaming pile of crap. Now, the burning question is whether or not to go to work tonight. I do not like calling off, and I am very reluctant to do so with my new job. I better wait and see how well the Advil Cold and Sinus works for me, and then decide.
Christmas keeps getting closer and closer, and I am feeling the slight panic of needing to have all of the cash necessary to purchase everything. Yet another reason not to call off of work tonight. I have at least already made a dent in the Christmas shopping.
I talked to Matt last night, and he said something that I had been thinking of earlier in the day. He remarked that he doesn't have enough time to do all of the things he would like to do as well as all of the tasks that he is required to do. Just that very afternoon, while cleaning the ashes out of the fireplace, I was thinking about how short life is and of all the things I would still like to learn how to do/experience/accomplish. Here are some of them (if I think of any more in the future I may put them in a post):
1) Learn to play the guitar (or piano)
2) Take a pottery class
3) Finish the really big cross-stitch project I started months ago
4) Learn Spanish with Owen (he seems to have an ear for Spanish, and I figure I should learn it with him so he can have someone with whom he can converse)
5) Try Pilates (not sure if I spelled that correctly)
6) Volunteer at a literacy program (I want to remember this so that when Owen goes off to Kindergarten I can see if I can make it happen)
7) Travel (this would require vast sums of money, and since one never knows what life has in store for one, it is not impossible that I could one day find myself flush with cash, and therefor have the means to travel)
8) Write something really great and be published (hence the money and the opportunity that would make number 7 possible).
9) Finish my Bachelor's degree
10) Discover my Personal Legend and fulfill it. If you haven't read the book The Alchemist you may not know what this means.
Anyway, my head is really foggy right now, and I should really leave off here. Let me know what your ambitions are.

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