Saturday, January 5, 2008

conflicting schedules

I am pressed for time, but it has been so long since my last post, that I wanted to write something. Dave and I saw "I Am Legend" on New Years Day. I really enjoyed it. I think Will Smith's performance made the movie. He was amazing. There are so many films out right now that I want to see: No Country For Old Men; Sweeney Todd; National Treasure Pt. 2; and in a couple of weeks, Cloverfield. We just don't get to go as often as I would like.
There is actually a lot I would like to write about, but I don't have the time right now, and also some of it shouldn't be on a public blog, because one never knows if it could reach the eyes of someone it isn't suppose to (no matter how slim the chance may be), and so I can't really say anything. I can see the wisdom in making it necessary for people need my approval before being able to read my blog. Suffice it to say that recently I was treated rather nastily by someone who I have never given cause to treat me in such a manner. It was, for me, the proverbial "straw", and this person is now on my shit list.
I have to work tonight, and that is another source of trouble for me. I still really like my job, but with Dave working so much overtime (and hopefully will be doing so until March - I only say hopefully because we both know how much we need the money--the downside is not seeing one another) it is getting very difficult to juggle the kids and my work schedule. I am always relying on my folks, and it isn't fair to them. My mom will be going to Florida in a few weeks, and I don't know what I'll do. I guess I need to tell work to give as many of my hours during that time to someone else because I just won't be available. Yikes!! Confrontation. If they can't/won't work with me on that I'll be in a real pickle. I'll still need my job when Dave's overtime ends, but for now it is not working out so well.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Man, I know how difficult it can be to juggle work schedules, especially when I had three jobs back in 2005. I ended up telling Old Navy that I needed six weeks off to handle the end of the semester because of the class I was TA'ing. When I went back, I was looking forward to getting the same hours I had before, but it just wasn't the same. They'd hired a new sales associate and they just didn't have the hours for me anymore. It would have improved, but I ended up leaving and taking one full time job to replace the other three. I don't think that will happen to you knowing the demand for work that there is in the area.

On another note, we'll have to catch up on the phone or by email sometime. I hate to be a gossiper but I'm wondering who you are referring to. I'm assuming it is someone I know, and I could guess it's one of two people. I'm hoping it's not who I'm thinking, though, but if it is I can totally understand. She needs to think a little bit about what she says and does sometimes because even I have wondered what she's thinking sometimes.

I hope things get better!