Saturday, November 3, 2007

Just what's new

It has been quite a while since my last post (Matt tried to assure me that I was not the only one reading this blog, but the gig is up and I really think that I am the only one to look at it by now-and so I don't feel bad about how long it has been since I wrote something). We have been so busy. Dave and I have been like two ships passing in the night. He has been working overtime, and I have been working some late nights. But tomorrow we are both off and the four of us can spend some time together.
Work is awesome. I am really fortunate to have a job that I like going to. Mom and I cleaned-up today doing some Christmas shopping at Bed Bath & Beyond. They are giving the associates an extra discount this week that can even be used for a family member if they accompany the associate to the store. We saved a ton.
Got two new Cd's recently that I feel are worth commenting on. The Amy Winehouse "Back to Black" is just so cool. Her voice...that big voice coming out of that gin soaked tiny body is just so amazing. Also, a really beautiful album is the A Fine Frenzy "One Cell in the Sea". I am listening to this one a lot. Favorite tracks are "Almost Lover" and "The Minnow and the Trout". I almost just got some selections from the iTunes store, but I instead figured the entire Cd's were going to be worth the purchase, and I was right.
Tori Amos was in concert this passed Tuesday in Pittsburgh, and I didn't find out until it was too late to try and go. I missed seeing her again. Perhaps someday.
51 days till Christmas.
That's all I can think of right now. I am very tired because I closed the store last night and then had to be up at 6:00 am in order to get Ethan ready and off to Hockey. We will set the clocks back tonight, and so I'll gain an hour of sleep. I'll write more when I am struck with the notion.
Oh before I forget...the Ye Old Alpha has Greek Wings made with feta cheese and they are really tastey.


Matt said...

I've actually been watching for your next post. I don't always comment, but I read! So, it's true, you're not the only one who reads this.

We should catch up soon. I'm heading back to Pittsburgh tomorrow (I'm in Cleveland this weekend) and I have Monday off.

Matt said...

Oh, and I thought Ye Olde Alpha closed?!