Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A rotten shame

One of the absolute worst feelings in the world is when a person who is an authority to you takes, or attempts to take, advantage of you. I would rather not go into specifics, and it has nothing to do with a sexual nature or anything even remotely close. It has to do with following protocol, and it has to do with the expression "shit rolls down hill". It boils down to this: if I don't find a way to resolve it, one of these days there is a chance the aforementioned shit will roll right onto me. Now, the real task is how to resolve it without causing a massive uproar. It doesn't need to really cause a massive uproar, but it may, and then I am afraid I will never be able to get along with this person, who in most respects I get along with fine. I know no one can advise me here, because I won't explain, and that is fine. I am mostly just writing these thoughts as they occur. I am going to sleep on it.