Monday, January 21, 2008

Just some random thoughts

When I don't make a new post for a while I begin to feel remiss for some reason ever though this is really just a diary, and there is no pressure to make a new entry. I guess I just feel as if it needs done. So anyway, I will jot down a few random thoughts:
1. I am really ready for Spring. I hate Winter, and the last couple of days of bitterly cold temps have me longing to feel the warm sun on my face.
2. I am only 3 pounds away from my initial weight loss goal, and I have already decided that I want to lose an extra 5 pounds after that. I think that is realistic, because I honestly feel that anymore weight after that I would be able to lose, but then not maintain which could be detrimental to my attitude. Truthfully I could stop now, but I wouldn't be satisfied. Dave actually picked me up and carried me into the boudoir last week when we were on our way to...well, you get the picture. The point is, my husband carried me for quite possibly the first time in the 10 years we've been together. I felt like such a girly girl. And Victoria's Secret is making out with a nice chunk of my money these days because I am enjoying buying pretty things there. So, see, everybody wins.
3. 10 days till Lost Season 4. But who's counting, right?
4. I just deleted what I had written in this line, because I am not sure I want it out here for the world to see. Matt, I'll talk to you later about it.
5. I spent the better part of last week feeling very angry over the personal tragedy that someone I am sort of acquainted with is experiencing. It only serves to reinforce my idea that there is no sense in many things that happen to human beings, and this new age shit out there about how our thoughts and actions vibrate through the universe and the "Law of Attraction" picks up on it and acts accordingly makes me want to puke. It's all rubbish, because no higher order, which is what this "Law of Attraction" bunk is suggesting it is, would punish a mother and father with what these two were dealt. According to this school of thought, these two parents had thoughts or actions which brought about what they are experiencing. And according to this school of thought even the baby itself somehow manifested thoughts and emotions that brought about what it experienced. This sort of teaching is receiving widespread acceptance right now, and I think it is a dangerous road to be heading down. When I heard one of its proponents skirt the question of whether, but then sort of imply that, children who are abused or killed bring the crimes on themselves I knew I had heard enough. And to make matters worse it is being pimped out by the most popular TV personality the world has ever known. Look, I am all for the notion of "smile, and the world smiles back"; that is just putting on a happy face, and altering your perception of the world around you. There is truth in that, but this other nonsense has got to go. Wow, I am glad I got that out of my system. I think it has been festering for some time.
Well, there you have it. This turned into more of a post than I thought it would.

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